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Get Out of Jail Now - 5769-2008

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Recommended Price $50.00

Yom Kippur is the most awesome, holiest day of the year, and we greet it as big nothings. In fact, we loudly admit that we are nothing.

As we sincerely acknowledge this fact, we earn the right to G-d’s blessings. When we don’t pass the blame onto another soul or circumstance, we unlock the door of our very own spiritual prison.

Learn the lesson of the first case of denial in history. We have free will, and at the same time we perpetually struggle; we are made in God’s image, yet at the same time we are the dust of the earth. It’s natural to vacillate between the two extremes, it’s our human condition. You’ll meet the one of the world’s biggest sinner, Eleazar ben Dordai, of whom it was said there was no transgression in which he didn’t thoroughly indulge.

Find out how at the end of his life, because he finally took responsibility for his own faults he merited Olam haBah.

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