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Listening to Your Highest Thoughts - Yizkor

Recommended Price $60.00


Recommended Price $60.00

Eagles have feet and can run. Eagles have talons and can grip a tree securely. Eagles can run and they can climb. But flying is their distinctive characteristic. If they don’t fly, they aren’t living as their best, most majestic self.

Likewise, the soul is the distinctive human characteristic. You can amuse yourself with endless diversions. But if you don’t make quiet time to pause and listen to the Kol D’mama Daka of your soul, and express that soul, you aren’t living as your best, most elevated self.

Yom Kippur cries out to each of us to pause, to listen to our deepest thoughts and with their guidance, to open our wings so that soaring life can begin!

That is the theme of this uplifting speech, Listening to Your Highest Thoughts.

The theme is richly brought to life with humor and entertaining tales, such as:

  • The account about the Chief Rabbi of Israel’s speeding ticket
  • A touching story of the Rebbe Maharash that tells us how to enhance our relationships
  • The course no university teaches
  • What Albert Einstein and the Elijah have in common
  • The powerful story about a circus clown who saved a village
  • A great musician’s advice on how to create beautiful music
  • What made Moses, Esther, and the Bal Shem different from their contemporaries?
  • The television series on Judaism
  • It is our job to Yizkor, to remember loved ones. But we can do more!

Listening to Your Highest Thoughts, reminds us to pause every day and listen to our deepest thoughts. To live our Jewish life to the fullest. To give our family, community, and G-d the time and attention that they need from us. Don’t schlep through life like a wobbling eagle. Listen to the Kol D’mama Daka of your soul, express that soul, open your wings and soar.

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